Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Rant Alert!!!

Recently a beech tree of a grand old age fell, as they do once rot sets in. The upper branches have been left in a pile for bugs, birds and those that feed on bugs to inhabit.

Pray tell me what a mauve bag full of dog excreta adds to this tableaux.

Humans are the weirdest of the planet's population. A group of us will gather their dog's faeces and ensure it never has a chance to rot down. When challenged there is the inevitable, "I always pick it up on the way back."

That's the same as a car driver responding to the motorcyclist he has just spread on the road, "I didn't see you."

Off to my shed for a billow on the pipe, bloody people are obscene.

Discuss. Use as many sheets of paper as you need. The invigilator will give them to you.

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