Water baby

Since Wom has become more adept at sitting up for prolonged periods of time, he has enjoyed bath time more and more. Today he happily played both on his own with the ball and with Munchie passing it to her and giggling as he did it. It was so lovely to watch the two of them playing.

My little piggy from last night slept till 7:20 this morning. This is possibly the first time ever she has slept that long. We arrived at nursery around 8:20, was a good job I hadn't got to get to school! Managed to get fuel, some more Christmas presents and be back at nursery in time to claim a good seat for the nativity. It was lovely. Munchie was almost snoozing at one point as she was sooo tired. Apparently she got very uspet when some of the children went home with their mummies, as her mummy had gone. I had gone to get more stuff done, spend more money.

Home then popped out again as had forgotten to go to the post office. Parcels posted and more stamps bought. Home again.

Went into work for a meeting, lots to get my head around! Picked up two happy children from nursery. Munchie fell asleep in the car coming home. Fatal. Both bathed and in bed by 7:30. Had a good old catch up with next door over a couple of glasses of wine. Put everything ready for the morning as working all day. omg

Night all

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