My first nativity

Another long night, curse you coughs and colds!

Munchie then decided that 5am was a perfectly acceptable hour to get up! But....she did go back to her room and 'read' books which kept her occupied to a more realistic 6am.

Nursery drop off completed and chores done. Home for a pit stop and then met auntie Katie and Lucy for lunch. Wom had fun demolishing my lunch.

Home again, this time for a sleep whilst I wrote the Christmas cards. I've got five more days of official maternity leave left, I don't count Thursday and Friday as I didn't work them before I left, so am trying to get everything sorted before these days are gone.

Felt very odd being at home with Wom and not going for Munchie, even weirder was doing a bath with just Wom. Even he started to look for her. Munchie throughly enjoyed doing her nativity play, daddy said she sang her heart out through each song and grinned the whole time. She fell asleep in the car coming home, not surprising when she had been up since 5am and has her bath at 6pm normally, she didn't get through the front door till just after 7pm tonight.

I'm biased, I know I am, but she just looks soooooo cute x

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