This day

By snapper

A long day

Nice to catch up on old friends last night. Had a restless night and woke up as I was changing into a wearwolf!! boy would a psychologist have fun with my dreams!

A long day with work meeting but refreshing to actually see my workmates as I work in isolation. Life getting difficult trying to raise funding from here there and everywhere and the long drive home is a real drag.
Stopped at the Balachulish hotel and had a meal. Its weird when you dine alone! there was a guy at another table kept looking at me and giving me the eye! I'm sure I was older than him by about a decade! After the meal it was back into the car and drive back via a stop in Connel to drop off Neil Sinclairs kilt which he left behind when he was in strath flaming peffer. Then back into the car and finally home at 10.30pm.

Bugger missed Glee! not usually into these programmes but I like the mix this one has.I hear Olivia Newton John is going to be in it.

Got to head off to the big smoke tomorrow as youngest is heading off to London with school to visit Houses of FraudulenceParliament! and then off to the theatre to see the Lion King, culture eh! when I was at school the furthest we ever got was a trip on the Maid of the Loch and to Tarbert.!

Rabbits and Vatersay Boys enjoying their nice clean veranda and dogs snoozing in front of firme, next time I come back as a dug!

Almost forgot, the thing in the picture is something I looked at in Inverness but baulked when the guy said it cost £1.500! they must make a Hell of a lot of money in the Sneck

Happy whats left of Monday blipskis

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