Hospital Review

Today was my 6 monthly check up at the skin cancer clinic; something I never look forward to, but nonetheless it has to be done (I like to worry!).

I'd made a note of a couple of things to mention, things I've only noticed in the last couple of months, but these were deemed nothing at all age spots? really?.

The consultant was funny! He wouldn't have it that he saw me in April, I insisted he did but he said the last recorded notes on my file were from last year.
Then, as I was leaving he came back to me and said he'd found a new volume of notes and yes, I was right (told him!) I had seen him in April!

He was happy that nothing new has appeared for over 12 months now, so has discharged me.....with stern warnings about avoiding the sun and keeping an eye on anything new that may develop.

That's a good start to my week :-)

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