Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Path


The view today was huge as we sat in our car on the north-end of Cayucos in the Estero Bluffs preserve lands looking across Estero Bay. On the left of the photo is the small community of Cayucos with a population of 3,102. The majority of the houses in the community are owned by people who live elsewhere. So there are many vacation and retirement homes.

The path caught my attention. I think it speaks volumes, but I'm not inclined to put the words in its mouth. Even though it does not show in the photo, I also thought the fork in the road where I was standing was immensely meaningful. Life offers up many decisions and each fork in the road is certainly a decision moment.

Today has been special. I finally finished gift-wrapping all of the books I purchased for our great-grandson Tristan. I've put a number on each book from 1 to 25 and when December arrives, he will begin opening one gift a day to discover a book that I've sent him for that particular day.

So Mr. Fun took the box to the Post Office and got a very good price on quick delivery and we were pleased. The box should arrive the day after Thanksgiving, so on Friday or most likely on Saturday. As long as he has it by Monday, December 1, I'll be thrilled.

Good night from the Central Coast of California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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