
By Memories4Me

"Scan it Sunday"

Dear Diary,

Thought I would add an old picture today to my journal. This one was taken 63 years ago in 1951. That pouty little girl in her mother's arms is me, age 2! We had just move to our house in Hudson, MA. from Ticonderoga, NY, where I was born.

I love this photograph because it has my dear aunts family, except for her youngest who wasn't born yet, and my grandmother. What never fails to amaze me when I look at these old photographs is how young everyone looks. We tend to think of our parents and grandparents as old. We forget that they were young too at one time. What even amazes me more is that my grandmother was only 61 in this photograph...4 years younger that I am now! People aged so differently then. She pretty much always looked like this...a grammie even at that young age.

Photographs are powerful, evocative things. As Dorothea Lange said;

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.

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