A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Imaginary Friends

BACK BLIP: and I've entirely forgotten what I did but it would have revolved around my sole uni tutorial and either procrastination or essay writing.

This is one of the best books I've ever read (although on this day, I'd barely started it). Everyone should go and read it!

When I was little I had one imaginary friend, Tina, but I also had an imaginary dog. Bare in mind I wasn't a lonely child as I am the youngest of 3 kids, but I absolutely loved my imaginary friend and imaginary dog. I don't remember forgetting them, but reading this book made me sad that I had forgotten them. I can still remember what they looked like and I would kill to have an imaginary dog to keep me company at uni! I really did have the best imagination when I was little!

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