A Life of Laughter

By LaughterLover

Growing Up

It's kind of sad how much I love my plants, and how many times I've almost killed said plants. This plant in particular has suffered greatly this year at both the hands of myself and also my mother, who both forgot to water it over summer. However, the resilient little thing has bounced back greatly, it's gone from being almost dead with one tiny little shoot, to eight leaves in the space of 5 weeks which I think is impressive.

Exceptionally boring day for me today which has been spent doing reading for an essay due in a week on Monday. 3 and a half thousand words on the different representations in detective fiction....not gonna be an easy essay to write!

Managed to fall asleep whilst reading again tonight with every light in my room on. However, Rory fell asleep whilst on the phone to me so I think that beats me!

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