Blackbird has Spoken.

When i came out of the gym, i walked into the fields, and this blackbird was sitting on the wall, making a racket. I went into town and did some shopping and got to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling out. I hate when that happens. It wasn't too bad though, because i only had to wait fifteen minutes. We do have a good bus service, which is great. No news on Terry,except he is on a drip, and feeling a little better. This afternoon we went to visit our friend Dan and his wife Elaine. I mentioned him to you a few months back. He has prostate cancer and has just come out of Velindre, which is the main cancer hospital in Wales. He was sitting on his drive just looking at his motorcycle. J started it up for him, and he was so pleased. I think it cheered him up . We called at just the right time. I was shocked to see how frail he looked. Back home now, and J is making a chicken & leek bake, topped with cheddar cheese. I am going Tree Sitting, at the church tomorrow, so should be good for a blip. All the different charities around the area, come in and decorate a tree, and people come in and judge them. It should be good.

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