Combating malnutrition with #homegardens #Cambodia

A lack of vitamin A – something found in many root vegetables and leafy greens - is the most common cause of irreversible sight loss in children, and exposes them to disabling disease.

IMPACT Foundations around the world are empowering people with understanding about nutrition, helping them to grow their own vegetables to meet their need for micro-nutrients and to provide protection against food inflation. In Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Kenya – and even here in the UK, diets and livelihoods are being improved through home gardening.

This photo sees IMPACT Cambodia encouraging new or expectant mothers to plant more vegetables to prevent malnutrition and reduce family expenses as part of their 1000 Day Programme – a project focussing on improving the nutrition of children from the date of conception to their 2nd Birthday – a total of 1000 days.

If you want to give a gift of a garden this Christmas – perhaps to a green-fingered friend, or food loving family member – just £25 will set you up with our Home Garden Gift Token, IMPACT canvas bag, seed sticks and newsletter – all nicely packaged and personalised as you wish!

For more information visit

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