But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


This Twink is a sprite, a sidekick to Rainbow Brite who was a children's TV character way back in 1984. When the toy emerged from the woodwork about six months ago, Jnr recognised it with amusement and, surprisingly, no trace of embarrassment; one of her antennae has been chewed by the dog that we had a the time and now resides beneath our witch hazel tree. Rainbow Brite's mission statement was "to become a world leader in the field of turning The Earth into a colourful and happy place"; her Nemesis, Murky Dismal, had the converse aim of turning Earth into an miserable and grey place (c.f. our Man in Grey, John Major - but I've written about him recently). You will, by now, realise that it was a realistic and intellectual drama.

I'm now likely to get into very deep waters, I'm afraid.
Decades before 1984, Twink was a slang term for a young homosexual or effeminate man while a Twinkie was an American snack cake, sometimes served deep-fried (as are Mars bars in Scotland, Glesca in particular); it may be difficult to believe, but the cake also has deep sexual connotations (trust me, you don't want to go there) and the two items are etymologically connected.

None of this second paragraph was previously known to me.

Note: Considering the context, it is odd that the original Twink was white.

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