Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Sun Dog

Thank you for all the good wishes yesterday. I must admit I thought I was in for 3 or 4 days of incapacitation based on past experience, but I woke up this morning pretty much nausea free and just a little dizzy (some might say that was my baseline). I've only fallen over twice, and now it feels like I am on a children's merry-go-round rather than the Waltzers so it's all good.

I braved a walk with the mutt this afternoon, and spotted this sun dog over the useless quarry fence. I processed it through HDR Efex which has deepened the blue and lightened the foreground more than I wanted but I like the way the clouds look. I tried cloning out the twig but my eyes are not up to it yet.

Off for a lie down now!

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