Walking in the dark again!

Well the first weekday without a trip to be zapped, you'd think I'd be on cloud 9, making amazing plans and generally getting on with life..........that was my plan but today the miseries have set in, I wanted to start an exercise class this afternoon but due to being so sore in places that would be jiggling about during the class I have decided that wouldn't be the best plan. I had picked up a leaflet a while back about a Mindfulness Meditation Workshop at the Cancer Unit at SMH which was on today. I've read lots about mindfulness and it makes a lot of sense to me so after much deliberating I decided I'd go along. I was the only attendee with 2 tutors........good in some respects but I'm not good at being the focus of attention so I felt a bit uncomfortable to start with. The session was good and I relaxed into it, I really must find time to practice this as I think it has the potential to help me.

After I got home from the session it was lunchtime and then I fell asleep, bloody annoying, woke up freezing cold and cross with myself! It was just getting dark when I took Ted out and we walked for about an hour and cried most of that time!
The treatment journey may be over but another one has begun I think, the hidden effects of cancer are enormous and beyond words for me at the moment.

Tomorrow is another day......

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