A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


At this point Anna was very apprehensive about her early morning visit to the dental specialist to investigate the cavernous hole in her back tooth. It took a number of attempts but she did manage to overcome her gag reflex and they got an x-ray of the offending tooth. Interesting to see but not conclusive so the upshot is we will be heading somewhere else for a whole head x-ray and possible operation. On the plus side apparently her other teeth are all healthy and strong so I feel a little less like the worst parent in the world. Though her asking Anna what she had for breakfast didn't help with me not feeling like the oddest. It's quite a difficult question for Anna to answer as no two breakfasts are the same as the most important thing to her is variety and she isn't overly keen on conventional breakfast foods. Still it had to be today's that the dentist asked her to describe....left over roast potatoes, chicken satay, prawns and a clementine. The dentist just stared at us both and suggested she might like to try porridge.

After all that there wasn't time for much else other than crossing a few household chores off the list and lining some work up for tomorrow. And a run along the river which was simply lovely.

Then school pick-up. Home to purchase proper straps for transporting the double bass between school and home as Anna has joined the band so this will now be a regular occurrence. Cook dinner and try to revive a very tired boy. Which happened eventually and fortunately just in time for his clarinet teacher to arrive and us to have a long discussion around gambling and the ethics of running a bottle tombola stall at a school fair. A game of Would I Lie to You? (Yes is the answer), supervising the making of Fimo jewellery and the possibly unwise but nevertheless entertaining introducing of the kids to Come Dine With Me.

So despite the apprehensive start not a bad Monday at all.

Lesley x

Btw this is the top of the stairs inside the Health Centre - a surprisingly lovely building, almost as if somebody had thought that people might not be feeling great when they were there and a nice environment might help.

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