A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Artist in Residence

First glimpse of the treehouse taking shape. Kids are so excited they can't wait for finishing touches like a railing and AstroTurf. Or the ladder to be fixed. Or the building materials removed. Anna spent a happy hour there this afternoon drawing the views. Lovely. As was the baking of bread, the making of yet more Yorkshire puddings and the learning of magic tricks. Even homework was pretty smooth.

All in direct contrast to the small person who woke me far too early to complain about her brother's television choices. Around here waking me before the right time for a not good enough reason is known as poking the bear. Reminds me of this great John Lewis Parody.

Managed a short run to help get me out of my grump and then an enjoyable brunch handing over the sleepover children. Then an afternoon of domesticity, tidying and general all round cosines which has smoothed the edges no end. And have arranged an early morning call to discuss the work thing that has hung over me like a black cloud for the last few days. Am really hoping it will get the week off to a better start.

And another reason for an early night,

Lesley x

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