
"I love nature. I like forests and hills and deserts and bomb sites." Nico, 1978
" that case, Duck, you'll love my daughter's bedroom!" MisterPrime, 2014.

I'm reading Richard Witts biography of Nico, as recomended by Julian Cope (it's out of print but the Library Service found me a nice copy) and, even though I'm only a couple of chapters in I feel pretty safe in saying it's a very good read. She was a rum old cove, for sure, and some of the quotes she came out with are blinders. I'm afraid I may have to inflict more of this stuff on you...

Oh, and If anybody is interested in reading my slightly verbose review of the Allo' Darlin' gig I went too at the Maze the week before last, that nice fellow at the blog Linear Tracking Lives! has been kind enough to post it on his site.

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