traveler's tale

Not an easy day for Blipping. Up late. Pack up my work and my bag. Lunch. Car. Munich Airport by 3pm for a 5pm departure.

That was the plan. But Edinburgh Airport had a security alert this morning, and the whole building was evacuated. A suspicious item detected at security, apparently.

The end result is a 90 minute delay on my flight to Edinburgh. Writing this at 4.20 pm (German time) the plane has only just left Edinburgh.

The last time Edinburgh Airport had an event like this (not so long ago) the cause turned out to be a haggis. Why would haggis not be a normal item to find in hand luggage? Maybe it was a vegetarian haggis. I’ve heard strange stories about those.

Security is important of course. If we weren’t bombed the Middle East again, I suspect it might not be such a live issue. Well, the country is flush with cash so why not chuck some away on another glorious military adventure? Something to do with a seat at the top table.

The Blip - surprise, surprise - is Munich Airport. Where section C in Terminal 1 meets section B.

Tomorrow should be better.

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