
By mar

One generation plants the trees ...

One generation plants the trees, and another gets the shade.

~Chinese Proverb

Four generations, one photo. All laughing.

Without going too much into things, I grew up without grandparents so find it very special that not only does Charlotte have 2 sets of grandparents on both sides of the Atlantic, but she also has a Great-Grandma here (and a Great-Grandpa in the states, but that's a long story). I must admit that we don't get to see Great-Nan as often as we probably should, but to be honest, she's never home! Even today when we went over we had great fun in helping her answer questions for her Friday quiz Club - and they weren't easy! Then there's the Bingo and dances that she's involved with - it's great to see a how active she still is at her age.

Before this picture was taken, I managed to take another photo of them together which is of much better quality - but then there was a massive giggle-fest when Great-Nan mentioned that maybe she should take her glasses off, so Nanny went to take them off, but then for some unknown reason, put them on her face! Well Charlotte saw this and started to laugh as she knew Nanny didn't mean to put them on her face, but it was just a habit. It turned out to be a lovely photo IMO.

I also managed to capture a brilliant photo of Daddy and Charlotte while we were there. Not sure what the conversation was about, but they both look incredibly interested in each other. Knowing Charlotte, she was working on her reasons why she should have a gecko in her life.

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