Capital adventures

By marchmont

'Blood swept lands and seas of blood'

I 'planted' my poppy today. It is beside the pond and we can see it from the back window,

Out and about quite a bit today, getting ready. to the office to pick up some papers (I'm working at home on Monday), to Straiton to but towels for the visitors. Then home to make a cake (christening #2), make soup, tidy and generally catch up with my life. It was a dreich day bit not cold. #3 son was working and #2 son finishing his mentoring training before a volunteers' night out.

Then after another trawl of Gumtree it was to Muirhouse to buy a buggy. I was so proud that I navigated there and back without a map, or GPS, and avoiding the minefield of the city centre. Did a bit of a detour through the Dean Village on the way back, but hey ho!

Quiet evening in and an early night. Tired but got a lot done today - including the ironing!

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