Capital adventures

By marchmont


Been a while since I blipped Molly and here she is - on my chair!

A dreich day - work in the morning and then I met K for a long lunch at Mussel and Steak. Good to catch up.

Then to the Christmas market. 3, or 4, years ago we had our fortunes told - a bit of fin. today we returned but the business model had changed and it seemed to be a 35 consultation instead of a 5 or 10 minute chat. After more than an hour's wait, in the damp, there was still one in and two in front. i left K to it and got a very very busy 37 home.

I'd already decided to miss the Usher Hall tonight and ended up doing a parental counselling session. No tv for me.

Molly is a bit of a desperate blip in the circumstances.


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