
By WeeDragon_J

Four of Five

Busy time receiving donations, marking, sorting, boxing up in crates, just over 2 tonnes today, some not yet weighed in as last minute delivery, same again tomorrow. Phew! Great to have help too from volunteers from businesses.

2 mini guided tours to people that had given donations this afternoon, it's good to show the process of donated goods in and goods out as packs.

A quick scan of Number 4, but it will have to wait. Not only my batteries are low now need food then snooze, so the camera's batteries are showing the red symbol and when it stops focusing then 'battery depleted' before you can do anything camera goes to sleep. I'm sure the folks at The National are also running on a high for the 5 days but soon it will catch-up on their batteries too.

Hope your batteries are running on 'relaxing'.

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