What is your joy?

Man, it was a wild one last night. High winds aren't a lot of fun in a van - you lie awake half the night wondering at which point you will have lift off. Still, by morning all four wheels were still on the ground - although I did discover that when there are gale force winds driving rain at the van, one of the windows leaks. A tube of silicone is now on the shopping list.

I spent the morning in Collingwood with a friend and then drove out to Farewell Spit this afternoon where I had a wee play with hdr. No startling results, but fun playing.

While having my lunch beside the sea I was reading a magazine article about "joy'. It asked, "What is your joy? What makes your heart sing?" Darned fine questions. I have set myself the task of thinking about that and coming up with one thing each day that gives me joy or makes my heart sing.

Today my joy is sitting on a little strip of deserted beach eating cheese, crackers, beetroot relish and sand. The sand was sort of unavoidable with this wind - but you know what? I didn't mind. All part of the moment and the joy.

I've found a delightful wee camping area in Puponga and have settled here for the late afternoon and night. Still some mighty winds, but I think I'm going to find them everywhere so have decided to roll with it (though I hope the van doesn't).

I'm off to sit on the beach again, and share it with the seabirds and sandflies.

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