Half the Schools . . .
Half the schools in Kansas City, Missouri are being closed! That was the report this evening by Brian Williams on the Nightly News. When the closures are complete, there will be 33 schools left in that city for 17,000 students.
Brian Williams went on to report that 34 states are cutting their educational budgets. I know that what is being said is that we can't afford to keep the schools open. What I wonder is if we can afford to close them? Seems like we are borrowing trouble and messing with the future of today's children.
I hope lots of parents realize that they are their child's number one teacher. Lots of quality education can happen at home. Let's read to our kids and grandkids. It will change their future.
That's the news and it's not very pretty.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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