From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A day that hadn't the decency to be dreich!

There was a programme on BBC1 on Sunday evening - Remember Me - which we decided to watch late last night. It was described as a psychological thriller. I won't tell you much about it so as not to spoil it for anyone. Anyway I wish I hadn't watched it! I'm not very good at watching horror/ghosty things these days.

Mom shrieks occasionally which gives me a double fright. I went to bed a nervous wreck and slept fitfully with troubled dreams.

There was no wonderful sky this morning. It stayed dark until nearly 8 and then it stayed grey all day. Mom went out to the hairdresser this morning and came back with Jelly Babies.

Work was fine. It was quiet but with a fair bit of setting up to do. I have a missing person from my report. I know which person it is so she isn't really missing but I can't get her to appear on this report. I've been going cross-eyed checking criteria and conditions. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day and another journey into the unknown begins...

I had to order some earphones for my iPad yesterday and they arrived this morning. I will watch Masterchef on the iPlayer soon.

I wandered up towards Greenan Castle after work when it was quite clear I wasn't going to be able to catch a sneaky picture of the gardener trimming bushes and sweeping up leaves.

It was such a dreary day! I did not get a decent picture of anything as the light was so appalling. I should have wandered into town really to catch the lights there. I had to play with this a bit but it was my favourite today - the lone walker with the Heads of Ayr.

Track? I feel like something from Gary Moore - The Loner

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