
By teribirch

Artemisia 'Powis Castle'

I think of these silver foliage artemisias as being too tender to overwinter here in Lancashire. I have a couple of these Powis Castle varieties, however, still adding highlights at the front of the pink and purple herbaceous border. (Though there's very little colour left to highlight).

I cut them back lightly when they flowered earlier in the year and they seem to be holding their own at the moment. If they survive again this winter I will divide them as they are getting rather large for the front of border position where I just want to repeat the soft silvery accents.

There is an Artemisia 'East Lambrook' at the front of the white border which is looking rather sad. I've never been successful with cuttings but will keep trying. Artemisia lactiflora is very happy in a north facing border and is a real staple.

Just for interest, it is also know as 'wormwood' and has a very distinctive smell.

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