
By teribirch

The New Arrival

Just happened to be passing the garden centre at lunchtime and went in to buy some grit and to see if they had any tulip bulbs left. I couldn't resist a little wander around the plant area and was happy to see quite a number of winter interest plants. Acer palmatum Sangu Kaku has made its way onto my wish list. Despite being bereft of leaves, it has the most stunning magenta gems. There were also a number of overpriced hellebores just coming into flower.
I had almost made it to the door when I spotted this Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'. It can live in a pot until spring as it forms a naturally rounded shape, then I'll find a good home for it where it can reach its eventual 1.5 m high. I do love pittosporum: the stems are dark and this one has a fresh minty green soft foliage. Gorgeous.

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