What A Difference

..... A day makes.

Hi Tom

As you can see the water has more or less gone from the garden. Just the usual pond which is left. Nice to see the ducks and geese swimming on it again today. Well they do until Maisie and Oscar chase them away.

I went into Brentwood today to meet a couple of friends for coffee. It was so nice to see them and catch up again. Since I last saw my friend Lorraine she now has a daughter-in-law and is soon to be a grandparent. Her daughter has also just got engaged. We had a look around some shops as well. It was nice going somewhere different to Chelmsford. It made a nice change.

Home to cook the tea then off to Zumba. I really can't wait for my Zumba class tonight as for the past few days I've been really lazy and it's about time I got off my butt and did some work.

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