A nice present

Back at the end of the summer holidays I went to visit my friend Liz, and she gave me a pot with 3 tiny plants in it, which she assured me 'drink lots and will flower beautifully'.
Well it has certainly lived up to expectations and drank loads, and now it is fulfilling it's true potential and flowering really beautifully too!
looking on the net, it is some kind of Abution, exotic looking plants that o well in a conservatory, which is where mine is living.
The flowers really are a welcome splash of colour in these horrible winter days when the quality of light is so bad, and everything seems dead!
I quite like this shot, 'out of focus and arty', might be my excuse, but in reality the light was appalling, and it looked naff using flash!
Funnily enough, while I was researching the name of the plant I found a shot just like this one on a website for sale...guess I must be doing something right lol

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