
By elfin

When Monkey met Squidge

I didn't take a photo- what an idiot! So this hastily taken one at the end of the journey home will have to do.

Lovely day. Chilled morning at home followed by our first 'long haul' visit to LadyPride and family in Manchester. We timed the journey up to fit with Monkey's lunchtime nap which worked a treat. Was so lovely to see LadyP - is hard to find time to catch up now we're both mums but when we do it's like we see each other all the day. Was lovely for them to see how much Monkey has grown and I think they enjoyed the cuddles.

Was so lovely to see our daughters playing together. When they were in the bath I have to confess a I may have got a bit emotional!

Monkey slept ok on the way home and was a bit unsettled when we transferred her to her cot but all in all a successful first trip that certainly hasn't put me off.

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