Look Mummy

5years 33days

We headed off nice and early this morning to go for a swim. As we pulled up to the pool, there was an attendant at the parking entrance. I remembered straight away that it was closed for a gala. I said Katie and I could have a little drive on the way home and find puddles to make splashies. She liked that alternative. She had a deep, warm bath at home before we headed out for church. She thought it was very funny that they were doing the same story in Sunday School as Christian Club at school. Children's choir after the service, practicing for Carols at Costa in 3 weeks time. A friend offered to drop her home as I had to go back to work. She ended up staying for a play and lunch before coming home midafternoon. We headed to the shop for a few bits- and some essential chocolate in the hope I can survive my evening's large and very urgent editing and sewing piles. As we turned out of the supermarket, she said "Mummy, LOOK.... Look at the beautiful sky". So we drove to the pasture to watch the sun set a bit more. And stop for a photograph.

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