
4years 33days

Katie has had quite a day today!! We got out nice and early to go buy a present for her friend. Katie even managed to sneak in a quick babyccino. We got the train to the city and headed off to ballet. She went off happily and when I got a peak in the room she was doing her show piece, laughing away.

We got very quickly off back from ballet and came straight home. Granny and Grandad arrived shortly after to take her to the park. She scooted there and most of the way back, before eating a 3-egg scramble with s'getti circles. She then got changed into her party clothes and went off to Grace's 5th birthday party. But not before letting Mummy take a few photos in the studio, which was set up ready for my afternoon session.

Granny and Grandad arrived back to us shortly before Katie got back- with her balloon, a pile of sweeties consumed and a fabulous tacky children's necklace. Pasta bake in the oven, Angel's Delight in the fridge, Katie in her jammies.

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