Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Two deeds done!

In response to a request - nay, demand, by the neighbours, we have taken down Archie's puppy pen (sounds less confrontational than 'fence'). I have spent the morning folding it all away and packing up the outside furniture. It's a shared back green, and technically it's just a 'drying green' dating from when the tenements were built, but people flout the rules depending on how vigilant the other tenants are. And we were pushing our luck, really...

For instance, people with children will put up a trampoline, people will start their own vege patch, or build a wee deck at their back door - all technically not allowed.

At my old flat, the family downstairs put up a humungous trampoline and all the kids in the neighbourhood - including teenagers - would use it at all hours. This was very distressing, as it was right below my father's bedroom window, where he was confined due to ill health. Eventually I plucked up courage to go down and ask the parents politely if the children could keep the noise down, pointing out that my father's window was directly above them. To my horror, I got a mouthful of abuse! So the trampoline stayed. I found out about a year later that trampolines are just not allowed! Or at least, not without the agreement of all the tenants.

And so it is with puppy pens fences. It has been removed, and I must say, it's much better for us too - because we were sort of penned in as well. But Archie will not have unfettered access to the back green. A new regime is in place. He seems quite happy with it.

We've booked a night away! Not too far, though - 40 minutes only, to one of our favourite places for a lunch treat. And so that we can rush back if Archie's pining...( jus' kiddin'). All arranged with our lovely sitters. Haven't told Archie - don't want him getting too excited yet.

This is my new hat with ear flaps and tassels. Archie loves it. Though not to wear, obviously - just to chew. I must say, it suits him a lot better than it suits me!

And it doesn't really suit him...

Day Four of my B&W challenge. Does sepia count?

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