Crashing through the undergrowth

November Theme Challenge Day 23: Sunday Seasons - an image related to the current season wherever you are in the world

What a difference a day makes. This morning the wind had all but disappeared and taken the rain of yesterday with it. We rose a little later than normal and I wandered up the hill with the woofers, enjoying the fresh, cool air and sunshine.
Home for coffee and a catch up on a few things around the house before my beautiful fiancée and I took the dogs off to the beach at Evie.
Taliscularis the Big dived into the long grass which covers the dunes behind the beach, looking for voles as usual. The grass is dying back now that the days are getting shorted and colder, the short autumn here in Orkney is rapidly turning to winter. Not that Taliscularis cares that much. He still had the best day EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....

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