It went bang...

November Theme Challenge Day 24: Monday Macro – any topic: extra challenge to fit with Mono Monday

Another lovely morning, though the wander up the hill with the woofers was a little more chilly than of late.
I trundled off to work only to find that I there were a few things from the supplier that I needed to change. I also needed to discuss things with the customer, who wouldn't be around all day. Grrr. Frustrating! I trundled off and fitted a shower instead.
I returned home not long after my beautiful fiancée had gone off to work, which was a bit of a shame. Such is life.
The blip today is something I realised I could have blipped last week for the challenge. It is one of the pistons out of the first bike I ever owned. Whilst trying to overtake a car on the motorway, the bike engine went bang, trrrrrcccckttrkrrktkttttrrrrrr, bang, clunk clunk clunk and so on. Apparently there was a fairly impressive cloud of smoke. The engine was stripped down by a friend who gave me 11 out of 10 for a fantastic engine blow up. The surface of the piston is supposed to be smooth. The lumps sticking out of it are parts of shattered valves... The engine was re-built and the bike ran again. I was a little kinder to it...

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