Earning Your Stripes

Here's those stairs again. Still out of the water, although the river mouth is wider than I've ever seen it.
A busy day for me: started out with a beach walk, then off to Friday knitting group where I started a new and interesting hat. It's the first time I have worked from a chart and I find the little symbols fascinating. I remember reading something recently about an artist, Ewan Gibbs, who uses a grid and these same symbols to create fabulous pencil drawings, no knitting required! After lunch it was time to move a pile of firewood up onto the porch where it will be easier to reach in the chilly evenings. Ah, and then I took out the remaining tomato bed: six gangly entertwined dying plants got moved to the recyling green can, and then the tall wire cages had to be cleaned off and the stakes put away. I'm done.

Hipstamatic: Lowy lens; Estrada 83 film

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