
By stujphoto

Third time lucky !

This little ivy cameo caught my eye as I was taking the dogs out for a walk this morning so I quickly blipped it. Just to be sure I took a few more shots of it on the way back when the light was better. However, when I came to download it onto the computer I discovered that I had not had a memory card in my camera. Not to be totally daunted I took my camera plus memory card out on the afternoon walk by which time the light was pretty atrocious. Again I shot it a couple of times firstly without flash and then with flash. From the two or three images I had it was apparent that the non-flash shots were far superior but only one of these was sharp. So here you have it my one successful shot today. Not that inspiring but I think it was the light colour and shape of the stem as it clings to the tree which caught my eye.

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