Blue bottle!

Blue bottle and not the fly variety but of the drink type.
Who in their right mind puts whisky into a vessel that looks like an after shave bottle!.
Haig's whisky famed for their Dimple bottle, at least you could see the amber nectar but this! You don't know whether to splash it under your armpits or use it to gargle with to cure your laryngitis. What were Diagio thinking about! Not only have they designed a bootle that looks it would store poison, but to add insult to injury the couple it up with an English footballer whose more famed for his stubble, dodgy haircuts and naming his children after the places they were conceived in! And have you seen the TV advert for it! God it's even reduced the green welly brigade to quivering wrecks wanting to burn their tweed drawers & smoking jackets seeing their huntin shootin image portrayed by old Golden Balls in an after shave bottle!
This time the advertisers have gone too far!

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