Sealing out the bay!

Was at an Ancestral Tourism workshop today.I'm beginning to like these wee doos as they usually have good food at them. Today's was in Kilmartin museum and was attended mostly by women into B&B , cultural forums etc. It was quite interesting and the wifey giving it at least had a sense of humour, some of these folks can be as dry as cream crackers! I learned a thing or two so it had it's use and it was free so even better.
One of the things covered was how would you personalise your product and someone mentioned using tartan!! There always has to be some dyed in the wool purist and sure enough, one wee wumman started on about tartan being the invention of Walter Scott, not real, no one worth their salt wore garish tartan yada yada yada! So what! if youv'e got it flaunt it I say! Never did Madonna any harm! Seriously, imagine your'e sitting in darkest Seattle and think your granny may have been Scottish, you do your research pay a fortune to get here, are dying to get your paws on some authentic bumble bee tartan and boom! you get this raving lunatic purist telling you its all Scotch Mist! Can you imagine their disapointment! How not to run a business!
Stopped at the canal basin to grab a fading light last chance saloon photo. Didn't notice Mr Seal until I downloaded it hence the stupid title!

I really need to sit down and think about how to do my web page and make some business card, (might just use blip cards for that)

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