Pot of Gold

My mobile phone hates me ...... and the feeling is mutual.

It is refusing to email this picture and using the Blip app it refused to give me the option to write anything.
It isn't as if I haven't used the app before ..... just not on this phone.
I really do hate it with a vengeance.
There is every chance it is going to meet with a large hammer before I can get rid of it along with my contract.

Anyway ----- rant over and back to the real content of todays Blip.

This wonderful rainbow appeared just after my car.

Yes - my car was delivered back to me shortly before midday which was the time I had been told it would be back.
The driver said that he had been told instructed ordered to ensure it was back before midday.
All would appear to be in order ..... no squealing brakes, a nice new windscreen with no scratches and no missing chunks of paint from the bodywork.

Hooray for Mr Cochrane.

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