The second half of life..

By twigs


This wee chap and a few of his buddies were tucking in to what appeared to be a feast of bugs in the bark of my less-than-healthy kowhai tree. They're such cute wee things I could watch them for hours - except they flit off to somewhere else after just a few seconds and are lost.

The last couple of days I have been quietly concerned, trying not to let another apparent loss get me too upset - a silver locket I've had for many, many years and is very special to me.

I noticed it was gone when I went to take it off to go to bed 2 nights ago. It wasn't round my neck. I remebered I'd been out in the garden with the tripod taking a few buggy and floral pics and had stood up from leaning over the tripod when a chain (I wear 2) had caught and snagged on it. I felt and found a chain still around my neck but never bothered doing a 'proper' check for both chains. A search of the lawn the next morning didn't reveal anything. Maybe it slipped inside my clothing then dropped out somewhere else? Or maybe I didn't lose it in the garden at all and the snag was just a red herring.

I've been trying to use a different method of finding.....believing that it will turn up when I let go of the loss......I don't need to find it, it will find me.

It's a strange feeling - my usual action would be to turn my world upside down and inside out searching. I've done a little of that but want instead to just let go and give it space to return. It's the letting go that's tough.......finding the belief that all will be good and it will return.......all in good time.

Please, please, please.

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