Just a blue

5years 27days

Far from my best blip, possibly close to my worst, but I like it still. Because she spent gymnastics tonight being a blur of bouncing excitement and this is kind of what happened in the picture! She wobbled beforehand about the new class but grinned and bounced and loved the entire class.

School had some high points today. Her main teacher is a male, princess-hating, Disney-loathing chap. Today was the teachers talent show, the highlight of fundraising fortnight. Today he dressed as Elsa, wig, dress and all, to perform Let It Go with other members of the foundation team.

When we got home from gymnastics tonight, Katie spent a while with YouTube. Turns out one of her teachers is a Dolly Parton fan and has showed the class the music video to Jolene repeatedly. Katie knows the tune/lyrics. She told me off for finding just the soundtrack "no, it needs to be the one where she wears pink dungarees". And watched it three times.

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