Warm hugs

5years 26days

Katie stayed in bed for a wee bit of ipad time this morning. I was exhausted. Despite very long nights the past week, I couldnt settle before 1am and was restless through the night. Until of course about an hour before Katie woke, meaning I was all sleepy and headachy when she woke up! We had to get up and ready though as I had a session at 9am - one of her besties with her little cousin came round for some Christmas pics. Katie had a wonderful time drawing in her bedroom with Mrs Pink while I worked. The girls had a big hug before saying goodbye and little cousin Sam had to come join in!

We said goodbye to Mrs Pink too after a cuppa, which was sad. We went straight off to church though and she had a great time. They had the first rehearsal of the Children's Choir for the Carols at Costa in a few weeks. She was a bit nervous about going to the rehearsal despite being very excited about doing it for days! Apparently she got stuck in and really enjoyed it in the end.

Home for lunch and a play before we went for a swim. We spent half the time in the "Swimming" section, her swimming her heart out. We then went into the leisure area which had lots of floats and toys etc during this session. Her friend and big sister had come with their dad so we joined them for a lot of playing, laughing, splashing and fun.

She and I made a stop at Tesco for a few bits before we headed back for a fairly early tea - she decided she wanted salad after yesterday deciding with Grandad that she now in fact likes lettuce.

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