
By Mindseye

Benny from Crossroads?!!!!

After a rubbish nights sleep, I got myself together, made sure I'd got everything I needed to take with me in relation to birthdays and Christmas as I was driving over to see mum and sis today. It is the last time I'll see them until we come back from our holidays.

I picked up my sis on the way as her hubs van was in for MOT so he had taken their car to work. We went to pick mum up, her roof looks really well, then off to do the usual shopping, garden centre and soup and sandwich for lunch! Afterwards we had a good wander around, looking at this and that!

I took a few pictures of the Christmas displays, the usual mechanical Snowmen, Christmas trees with letters to Santa attached, coloured Baubles and tinsel, reindeer hanging from the rafters!

Then we looked at the outdoor clothes and my sis decided to try on the hats......she has a collection she uses when she walks Bailey! I managed to snap her mid try on! Believe it or not my sis is quite pretty, but I think you'll agree she looks more like Benny from Crossroads in this shot!

I think she will be quite flattered I have used her as my blip subject for today don't you ?!!!! ;-) (Probably a good job I'm not seeing her now for 4 weeks ha ha!)

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