
By kas18

What is This?

Hi Tom

What a fantastic meeting you had today with your manager. The feedback is incredible. I'm so proud of you. I just hope you are proud of yourself. We just couldn't ask for anymore. Not long now and I'll be flying down the M25 coming to pick you and Jesper up for Christmas.

Not sure what this is but we have loads in the garden. They have appeared under the pear tree. Obviously a fungus of some sort...I'd just like to know if it's edible or not. If it is I'll be cooking them up. If anyone can enlighten me I'd really appreciate it.

Very pleased with myself today. Boot was cancelled but I still got up and went out for a run. Dad got up and ran with me. We thought the circuit was only going to be 4 miles but it turned out to be 5 :)

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