Delhi Street Scene- Day1

Well we landed in Delhi at 11:30 am local time after a very pleasant overnight journey from Heathrow, courtesy of Virgin Atlantic.
If only East Coast trains to London were a quarter as comfortable, our miserable, overcrowded, space deficient journey down south would have been just tolerable.

Our bus trip from the airport in Delhi to our hotel afforded the first view of street life in the city, and was by all accounts fairly sanitised . We will see much worse scenes than those of people picking over large amounts of rubbish at the road side.

In the afternoon, we had an expedition to the ruins of the Qutb Complex, the vast site of an original Mosque built in 1192 which now boasts many centuries of different architecture with a beautiful red sandstone minaret in the centre.

It's easy to recognise our group at the moment, by their vigorous use of antibacterial hand gel. No doubt in the days to come, this will lessen, as we forget and get used to strange bacteria.

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