Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Richmond Park

A spontaneous decision to get out of bed at a reasonable hour and go get some fresh air and a hearty walk. We opted for Richmond as I'm a towny and need to finish up somewhere where there are shops and coffee and other signs of civilisation. The park was lovely although we didn't see the deer that Max Ellis constantly blips until we were driving through on the way home. Lots of dogs and horse riders 'though, like these two deep in conversation against the lovely autumn backdrop.

Had a croissant and a coffee in a rather pretty old place in the park where we found out that mole hunters were really prostitutes and that Richmond was named after Richmond in Yorkshire courtesy of a manorial connection at the time of Henry the VIIth.

Shopping in a really nice branch of Whole Foods that only opened just over a year ago - might have to go back to buy some pumpkin ale ...

Fab day. Really lovely.

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