Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

We are family

The Girl Racer went back to Canada today so we had one last blow out family lunch before taking her to Gatwick. That's when it felt empty and sad, not least for The Backflip Boy who shed a few tears and with whom we had a few hugs. He's a lovely lad and they are lovely together, so it was more poignant than any other parting in many ways. 

As for the rest:

My morning at work was just frantic, with lots to catch up on and the prospect of a very very heavy week of long hours and tight deadlines ahead. It all feels very difficult at the moment, with just too much going on and people pulling me in different directions. Still, Christmas is less than six weeks away so maybe I will get a rest then. And in the new year I need to start planning our trip to Canada in the summer ...

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