Muddy wander

November Theme Challenge Day 16: Sunday Seasons - an image related to the current season wherever you are in the world

Last night's dinner with Rob and Mandy turned into a fabulous evening. Dinner seemed to be reasonably acceptable and we spent the evening sitting around the table chatting and laughing in equal measure. Rob and I quaffed a few beers whilst the ladies sipped their G&Ts demurely...
This morning I walked up to the hill in the drizzle, returning home a bit damp but the fresh air helped the fuzzy head.
Bacon sandwiches were munched as we all chatted and laughed over coffee.
I took the woofers out for the afternoon splodge around in the mud and rain whilst my beautiful fiancée got herself organised to head to work.
Some of the trees are clinging on to the last of their leaves, despite the strong winds that we have had lately and the yellows and golds provided a welcome splash of colour on a grey day. Somewhere in the shot there is a wet dog, lurking

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