Tarawera Times

By Megl


For our anniversary a week ago Ian bought me a bouquet of flowers and in amongst the beautiful bright flowers was a deep pink paeony. This is such a favourite flower of mine and one that we don't grow in our area so I was really delighted. It is starting to fade now but to me there is real beauty at this stage, as the petals droop and start to drop, so I popped it into a container today to really enjoy the last days of it.

Follow up on the bellbird, also got a photo of the eggs today, although it was a bit of a scramble as mum arrived back just as I was starting. She was very patient and waited in the wings, it wasn't easy to get a clear view, but I think there are 4 eggs in the nest. This will be the last photo for a week as the neighbours go away tomorrow. I posted the eggs on Flickr.

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